Aaron and I just finished watching the fourth season on DVD today. Though we didn't watch it as quickly as we did season three, I would still consider it "record time" for a Grad school student and full time mom!
There are SO many crazy over the top fight scenes and some pretty insane story lines, however in spite of this I keep coming back. Aaron wondered why I liked the show so much, and then he started watching it with me. It's almost like I'm living vicariously through Sydney Bristow. She is so cool. It's not just the fact that she's cool, it's so much more than that. She wants to do what is right. She's strong and talented. She's very confident and knows exactly what she's doing in life. Can you imagine if Sydney Bristow came to Christ? Wow! Talk about a dynamic person...
That's it for my silly thoughts on Sydney, I'm sure I'll have more to say once I finish season five next week...Ha! Just kidding, it will probably take me more like ten days!
Yesterday I wished I was Sydney Bristow. I had just finished working out in the pool and was going to sit in the hot tub for a few minutes before heading out to get the kids. Some creepy guy was making eyes at me and struck up a conversation. He began by asking me if I spoke Russian, then proceeded to ask about my wedding ring:
"What is that?" Him, with a thick Russian accent
"It's my ring..."
"Left hand, do you have husband?"
"How many?"
"um???? One!"
"Oh, only one?"
"Yes, only one!"
"Do you have children?"
"How many?"
"Three. Um, Bye"
At that moment I wished I was Agent Bristow, because I would have replied in Russian:
"Oh, and by the way, I do speak Russian you filthy pig!"